Thursday, August 30, 2012

And away we go.

The road is a part of me. For years I've yearned to escape; to wander. I've managed, briefly, to barrel down the odd highway; initially foreign only to become a new home for a fleeting moment.

Three years ago this blog died. I moved on. As I embark on a new set of experiences I have decided to resurrect it as opposed to start from scratch. It's a way to reflect on past writings and to see how much I have changed and remained the same.

Tomorrow, I leave Canada for ten months. Tomorrow, I leave the continent for the first time.

I'm prepared to be unprepared for the experiences that follow. I will be overwhelmed as I attempt to build a life as an ex-pat teaching in China. I will panic. I will adapt. I will see things I never imagined I'd even glimpse.

It is a bittersweet moment leaving friends and family behind as I am sure much will be slightly askew when I return. Events will go on during my absence. Tears will be shed and laughter shared and I will be distanced from it. Likewise, my own travels and travails will be a fair distance away from these beloved friends of mine. Things will change and things will stay the same.

When I enrolled in journalism school I wanted to be a foreign correspondent for a newspaper or website or radio station. Teaching is a noble profession, but I am slightly saddened that I'm not traveling as a writer. This blog will hopefully sate that thirst.

So begins a new journey.

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