Army of Darkness (1992)
Written and directed by Sam Raimi
Starring Bruce Campbell, Embeth Davidtz, Bruce Campbell, boomstick.
Okay, one more for the road.
If you haven't read Bruce Campbell's book If Chins Could Kill do yourself a favour and pick it up. It's a funny book above all else and if you haven't already fallen victim to the great chin's persona, you will after reading it.
The first couple entries of the Evil Dead series are closer to straight up horror than anything. The second one -- and probably the most balanced -- mixes horror with wit and slapstick very well. In the third, this one, it's pretty much a full-blown comedy. Raimi and company must have realized how ridiculous this plot was and decided to play it for laughs instead of scares.
The beauty of that decision is that Campbell was given the opportunity to really shine as the smart ass who has had enough. He's a buffoon but is given the task of leading a military outfit in ancient times against armies of the dead.
"Clatto Verata N... Necktie... Neckturn... Nickel... It's an "N" word, it's definitely an "N" word! Clatto... Verata... N- "
He's such an imbecile that he basically ruins it for everyone before using his trusty high school chemistry book to learn how to make gunpowder for his shotgun and a metal hand so he doesn't have to wear a chainsaw constantly.
My friend Arlo hated this movie because of how unrealistic it was. He has since recanted his distaste for it but I don't entirely believe him. I suspect he says this so I don't berate him about it.
Seriously, this is a movie about a guy who travels back in time to become a slave and defeat a bunch of pseudo-zombies. This guy worked in a department store. Those are his credentials. If you try to take this movie seriously you are not going to like it. Shut off your mind and laugh along with the people who made it because you can tell they weren't trying to win awards. They were in it to have a good time and you gotta respect them for that.
Sure Raimi went on to direct the Spider-Man series and has built a relatively respectable resume. Campbell remains in obscurity for the most part. Some people out there would recognize him only as the sleazy guy from those Old Spice commercials. While amusing, they don't really showcase his greatness.
Movies like this and Bubba Ho-Tep where he plays a geriatric Elvis in an old age home fighting a Mummy with a penchant for cowboy attire may be silly but they are entertaining and endlessly re-watchable. He's got a wonderful screen presence and it's amazing that he never broke through into the mainstream. Sure he was on Xena and he had his own show in that vein Jack of All Trades, but he is barely on the periphery of Hollywood.
Two of my favourite performances he gave were as guest spots in Homicide: Life on the Street and The X-Files. In the former he plays a cop who takes matters into his own hands when the law doesn't work to his favour. It's a two-parter aptly called Justice.
In the latter he's a demon burying his newborn children in his back yard. To give any more detail would be huge spoilers. It's in the sixth season and I suggest you check it out. Incidentally, Campbell was considered as Duchovny's successor in season 8 but the part of John Doggett eventually went to Robert Patrick (T-1000) instead possibly due to Campbell's memorable appearance a couple seasons earlier.
Army of Darkness is a fine flick. It's a perfect matinee or midnight movie. I think I've seen it more at midnight in theatres than I have at home. No matter where I see midnight movies advertised, this is always in the circulation. It's well worth it and it's always packed.
A few years ago, a girl I knew was throwing a costume party based on heroes. It was short notice or I put it off to the last second, either scenario is plausible. My roommate at the time had a plastic toy chainsaw and my friend DP had a toy shotgun. I put two and two together, gelled my hair and donned a blue shirt, jeans and work boots. It wasn't spot on, but it was pretty good for two hours of work.
Judge for yourself:
The movie is a crowd pleaser. You can't go wrong by showing to any group of people unless they're scientifically oriented like ole Arlo. Suspension of disbelief is not a dirty concept. Some movies are meant to be true-to-life experiences. This one is pure unabashed escapist fun.
It's also one of the most quotable movies ever. That sounds like hyperbole, but man it's up there.
The movie is a crowd pleaser. You can't go wrong by showing to any group of people unless they're scientifically oriented like ole Arlo. Suspension of disbelief is not a dirty concept. Some movies are meant to be true-to-life experiences. This one is pure unabashed escapist fun.
It's also one of the most quotable movies ever. That sounds like hyperbole, but man it's up there.
Nice try on the costume. It's not bad. hahahah!
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